Newsletter : 
SUNDAY 23.06.2024
Reverend Beat-Man (CH) + The Cryptids Blues trash / One Man Band / Alternative


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 + PRESALE : 15€ 
 + ENTRANCE : 15€ 
 + OPENING HOUR : 19:00 
 + ORGANIZER: Magasin 4 

 + Reverend Beat-Man
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 + The Cryptids
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REVEREND BEAT-MAN (CH) (No future wave / Blues trash / One Man Band)
From Bern in Hell, Switzerland, this is Wild Uncontrolled ONE MAN BAND Style Blues Trash and super Holy Dirty Wild Rock'n'Roll Puke .. if you like Phil Collins, Ed Sheeran or Coldplay .. Please Stay Home .. your Ears will Bleed until you Vomit over and over again better to Stay home and watch some ass boring Netflix Series ... if you wanna know what Real Life looks and feels like come over and See the Light !! "He'll make your back crack, your liver quiver, and your knees freeze. And if you don't dig that you've got a hole in your soul, so let's give a big warm welcome for the Rev, your Beat-Man, everybody's Blues Trash Preacher, the fabulous Reverend Beat-Man
THE CRYPTIDS (BE) (Alternative rock / Post punk)
Cryptids est un jeune trio de Post-Punk basé à Tournai (BE), aux masques et aux paroles inspirés des films d'horror/comedy. Sur scène ils ne sont ni plus ni moins qu'un Wendigo plus grand que l'Empire State Building, un Kraken sexy et musclé, et une Mouche à merde qui a perdu ses ailes.